Apply to U.S. Universities and High Schools in just 3 steps

MAEducation is a free platform that connects international students with universities and high schools in the US. Our goal is to ease your access to top institutions, reducing entry costs and issues throughout the admission process, making it in just 3 steps

You are 3 steps away from being
admitted to a top US institution!

Our goal is to ease your access to top institutions by reducing entry costs and issues throughout the admission process, making it in just 3 steps!

Sign up for free.

After signing up you’ll be able to complete your profile, answering various questions, and uploading the necessary information.

Find your dream school.

Access over 200 US schools. Filter and sort according to your preferences and explore the entire range of educational offerings we’ve prepared for you.

Send your applications.

You’re 1 click away to send your profile to your 3 favorite schools. Then, just wait for your admission!

Main Features

We provide the fastest and easiest way to study in the US

Institutions list

You’ll find more than 250 US institutions with all the information, this way you will be able to evaluate the best choices considering your preferences.


A very easy system to upload all the documents required by the schools. We will let you know if they are ready to use them.

Application status

Once you send your applications, MAE’s team will update the status continuously, so you will be always informed. A chat will be available to comment on any issues with the application.

Mobile App

Are you using your device for everything? You don’t need a laptop to apply to the best institutions in the US. Download our app and start now! Available now in IOS and Google Play.


Doubts? Even though our platform is designed in the easiest way, we are always ready to support your case, before you get in touch, we strongly recommend having a look at our faq page.


Trying to reach out to more international students out there, we offer different rewards to our users. Discounts, fee waivers, amazon vouchers, and many more!

This is what our happy students think about MAEducation

The path to your dream university or high school starts at MAEducation

Access to top institutions. Some of our schools have a low admissions rate by the general application way.

Easy, fast, and free. You just need 5 minutes to send your applications.

One platform for many applications. You can manage your applications to different schools from only one form.

Fewer requirements. Some of our colleges don’t require the SAT or TOEFL.

Human support ready to help. If you need it, get the best advice from our experts.


Keep you up to date with our tips, advice, and news to help you across every step of the study in the US.

Education in the US comes with a high cost that can sometimes be insurmountable for a middle-income family. The culture of North …

MAEducation provides international students from around the world with the opportunity to easily, quickly, and cost-free access both high schools and colleges …

MAEducation is a free platform available to all international students who are looking to further their education in the country that currently …

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